Just Me in My Comfy Pants (March Edition)

So… it’s been awhile.

I think pregnancy can do that to a girl.

But I miss this, I miss you, I miss writing. So, as I am feeling quite rusty, I think I shall warm up by sitting in my comfy clothes and just telling you a few random things that are going on in my life and things I have been learning.

1. I am 21 weeks pregnant. Older women tell you that each pregnancy is different, and maybe a part of you thinks they might know what they are talking about, but this other part expects it to look the same as before. Yeah, those women, they know what they are talking about. I have this vague memory from my previous second trimesters where I had gobs of energy, where my back didn’t hurt yet, where my “baby tummy” wasn’t quite so far out yet, where false contractions didn’t happen yet… maybe I remember wrong, because this time around: energy=0; back=I just bought a maternity girdle because hello sciatic issues and lower abdomen pain; waistline=I look like I am either carrying twins or am 2 months farther along; Braxton hicks= since like 16 weeks and they are strong.

2. This baby is fickle. I am still nauseous, though it is nothing like it was the first sixteen weeks, so I will gladly take it. I can’t eat anything acidic (oranges, lemonade, marinara, pizza sauce). I can't keep onions down (not in salad, not diced in my meat, not carmelized... no onions). Pretty much the entirety of Asian cuisines disgust me: Cantonese, Thai, Sushi, lumpia, rice noodles, and soy-sauced anything.  I worry I might be off coffee for life. And if you know anything about me, the Amanda prior to baby #3 lived for her morning iced latte and deep conversations spent over a hot vanilla latte. The Amanda currently housing baby #3 wants to get sick just talking about coffee… so, um, how about we change the subject?

3. I complain sometimes because this pregnancy has not been a cake-walk, but I am just so grateful. So grateful. Everything feels like a miracle. Everything is a miracle. Each kick. Each doctor visit. Each time I hear that beating heart. Each time the kids put their mouths to my belly and talk to their sibling. I will take the nausea, the back aches, the insomnia, the food adversions, and really, I promise, I take them with joy… because this. I held on for dear life to the promise of this little one. I am not letting go of my resurrection-power miracle over temporary complaints. I am overwhelmed by His goodness and grace... and I am clinging to it. You guys, I get to be a mom to this baby!

4. We are having….

(Do please pay close attention to that conjunction in there. It’s OR not AND.)

We decided to be surprised in the delivery room. (I am pretty sure I am going to share our reasons in a light-hearted post coming soon, so I’ll tell you more about it then.) Everything looked great at our 20 week ultrasound. Side note: I am pretty sure I noticed a cleft in the baby’s chin. I sort of squealed over this. It’s one of my favorite features on my husband. 

5. I got to go to a local writing conference last month. It was so refreshing. I got to spend time with a dear friend; talk metaphor, character, style, theme with people who get just as excited about those topics as I do; get encouragement just for writers that had gospel all through it; get some really great wisdom on non-fiction writing and writing a book proposal. You guys, I also won a writing scholarship that will pay my way to next year’s conference, membership to a group that essentially provides support for writers, and pays for an expensive writing conference where there are acquisition editors, literary agents and classes taught by renowned authors and experts in the Christian writing field! I feel like I pretty much got handed a vote of confidence from seasoned writers and the tools I would need to send a book out into the wide world. Amazing. And if you want to hear me continue gushing, on the award it says this: “who communicated a message of grace, hope and love in a creative work.” Could there possibly be anything better to have said about the work of your heart or message of your life? So humbling and so crazy exciting.

I feel like there are a ridiculous amount of things I could tell you because it’s been months, but I need to leave off for now. I sort of need to cook dinner.  But since I was able to get a nice camera with our tax return last week (I am SOOOOO excited about this! It’s been on the wish list for years.), how about I leave you with a few pictures of life around here?

Tummy talks in the kitchen

Just a dog and her Capri Sun... wait, what?

My in laws got a new puppy. This picture just makes me smile big. 

I planted daffodil, tulip and hyacinth bulbs last October after my last miscarriage. Here they are in full bloom while my belly is getting full big with a little life who kicks and hiccups and rolls. Spring always comes.

Nope, not choking him. :)

Looking forward to more time spent here.

By Grace,
Amanda Conquers