Finding Contentment... Because, Seriously, Sometimes It's Hard to Find
Last night’s scene looked a little like this:
Husband is in bed reading Lord of the Rings. I hop into bed, set my alarm, and play a game of spider solitaire on my phone. I hear little Jed noises coming from the closet—his bedroom. His little voice trying out all the words he knows but would like to say. And then he moves on to singing. Mike and I listen with such grateful contentment. I take a deep breath and inhale this moment, hold it, and slowly exhale.
And then it occurs to me, this moment is courtesy of our small apartment and Jed’s closet bedroom. I get to lie in bed listening to the sweet little sounds of my boy talking and singing himself to sleep.
Awe. :)
I’ve been wanting out of here. A larger place. A backyard. 3+ bedrooms. A family room. Each day this place feels smaller. With each passing week, the time it takes for my children to take my just cleaned house to look like a small tornado passed through gets shorter and shorter {I am pretty sure it currently takes about 20 minutes to go from clean to disaster. My kids are masters of disasters}.
But anywhere else, I wouldn’t get to lay my head down to the sweet noise of my handsome little man babbling himself to sleep.
God isn’t in the house I wish I had. He’s here. And there are gifts here—beautiful moments I wouldn’t trade for the whole world.
Okay, so now, I am slowing myself down, finding all the things I can be grateful for HERE, recalibrating my heart, finding myself content again.
What do you do when you find yourself discontent and wanting change? Maybe if you are battling discontentment, go find one precious gift you couldn’t have anywhere else? Would you share it with us?
By Grace,