Dainty Toe Testing Blog Water
I am finally going for it.
No more dainty toe testing the pool water...
I am jumping in.
It's only taken me 10 months.
What started as a thought, "What can I do to bring in some income and still be able to stay at home with my kids?" has grown to become something I love doing. I knew I liked writing. After all, I did select English as my major those many moons ago... and I actually enjoyed all the reading and writing that came with that decision. Last June, I made a commitment to try blogging for one year and see what I could do with it. In October, with the baby at an older age, I decided to commit to at least one post a week. I knew there was a great unlikelihood that I could make money doing it, but I felt I had nothing to lose in the trying. It encouraged my creativity; I began to record my own little family's history and my thoughts on life, God and motherhood; and it connected me with my distant friends and relatives (Shout out to my family Down Under! Makes me so happy when I see Australia has been reading.) I figured if I could share my story and one person be impacted by it, then it would be worth the effort. It is even harder than I realized to make money (and I knew it would be hard), the blog community is sometimes warm and welcoming but occasionally a little terrifying (think crazy, soccer moms driving minivans with somewhere to be in a hurry pushing all cars out of the way... so many DIY, crafting, stay-at-home moms desperate to get ahead...all with the next brilliant idea. By the way, not that I think all minivan-driving moms with kids in sports are like this, but you get the picture...), not to mention the overwhelming nature of html code (I am still clueless) and site design. Even in all the blogging I have done on my 10 month journey, I have never pushed the blog all the way, never reached out to try to grow it. I suppose I have been too scared to step out and make my little blog known to more than my friends and family. What if I fail? What if I seriously suck at all of this?
I am so the sissy-la-la girly-girl at the swimming pool, just sticking her toe in the water, taking forever to decide to take the plunge.
I am scared. I am nervous. A thousand "what if's" want to rack my brain. I want to give in to the questions: "Who am I that I should think I can do this?!" and "Who in the world really cares what I do and have to say?!"
I really am just dirt.
Nothing but clay.
But I am in the hands of my Maker and I have the breath of God in me.
I have a God-given desire to write, to share, to encourage...
I am nothing. But maybe, just maybe, if I offer up what I love to the One I love, He will make something of it. I will give the great Gift-giver my humble offering. Create, Share, and maybe, just maybe, I can encourage as so many others have encouraged me.
Maybe, just maybe, this little housewife's cadence can echo and fill others with hope.
After praying, seeking wisdom, I am compelled to try.
I must try. I must jump.
Fail or succeed, I will put my Faith in the One who made me.
So, thus begins the launch of my facebook page.
The start of MADE MONDAYS that will feature a project or recipe.
The start of THANKFUL THURSDAYS that will have a couple snap shots from the week of something I am thankful for. (More to come on this. In a nut shell, it is a year-long challenge to myself, derived from One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, to capture in photography all the gifts God has given me.)
I hope to have post a week that contains encouragement or thoughts on God and/or life... but I don't ever want to post something just to post something, so there will be no weekly commitment on this... just a goal.
You will never hear from me on Fridays. Those are my sacred days. And weekend postings have seemed pretty pointless to me; don't expect those from me. Also, about every 8 to 10 weeks, I hope to step away for a week. I gotta stay fresh. I gotta spend time with God. I gotta spend time with my kids and husband. I have time-consuming little ones (but as much time as they demand, is it not so fleeting and precious?! I cannot poorly spend this time with them!). They will always come first. I know you understand :)
My goal: by October to have over 500 followers and begin the process of finding sponsors. I love to write. But I could also really use to make some income. :) (Also, I want to do giveaways! Give me something to give away and I will advertise your business for free! wink wink Nothing would make me happier than to make someone's day with free stuff)
Do help me out by following me on facebook and/or with google friends connect. Just click the follow button on the right hand side of the screen and follow the instructions. No one wants to be the first to follow me... least of all if they don't even know me... awkward. I would never follow a blog that has only 8 followers unless it's friend or family. Someone with over a hundred... If i like their blog I might. So, if you are related to me or call me your friend... Do it! Even if you really aren't into reading my blogs... Help a girl with her dream.
If you are an experienced blogger or website design wizard, I will take any offering of wisdom (yes, constructive criticism please!), help, or guest postings.
Thank you so much to those who have been on my dainty-toe-testing-the-blog-water journey. THANK YOU!!! I have been so touched and encouraged by your kind words, your support, your love. Every email, every word, every comment fills me with such hope. It touches me just to know people read what I write... That someone would think I have something worth reading and take the time to read it. It truly humbles me. Maybe, just maybe, I can write. Maybe, just maybe, I can encourage another woman. Maybe, just maybe, I can be a conquering housewife filling others with the cadence of my life's song :)
I cannot conquer without the Faith it takes to try.
So I try.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you!
No more dainty toe testing the pool water...
I am jumping in.
It's only taken me 10 months.
What started as a thought, "What can I do to bring in some income and still be able to stay at home with my kids?" has grown to become something I love doing. I knew I liked writing. After all, I did select English as my major those many moons ago... and I actually enjoyed all the reading and writing that came with that decision. Last June, I made a commitment to try blogging for one year and see what I could do with it. In October, with the baby at an older age, I decided to commit to at least one post a week. I knew there was a great unlikelihood that I could make money doing it, but I felt I had nothing to lose in the trying. It encouraged my creativity; I began to record my own little family's history and my thoughts on life, God and motherhood; and it connected me with my distant friends and relatives (Shout out to my family Down Under! Makes me so happy when I see Australia has been reading.) I figured if I could share my story and one person be impacted by it, then it would be worth the effort. It is even harder than I realized to make money (and I knew it would be hard), the blog community is sometimes warm and welcoming but occasionally a little terrifying (think crazy, soccer moms driving minivans with somewhere to be in a hurry pushing all cars out of the way... so many DIY, crafting, stay-at-home moms desperate to get ahead...all with the next brilliant idea. By the way, not that I think all minivan-driving moms with kids in sports are like this, but you get the picture...), not to mention the overwhelming nature of html code (I am still clueless) and site design. Even in all the blogging I have done on my 10 month journey, I have never pushed the blog all the way, never reached out to try to grow it. I suppose I have been too scared to step out and make my little blog known to more than my friends and family. What if I fail? What if I seriously suck at all of this?
I am so the sissy-la-la girly-girl at the swimming pool, just sticking her toe in the water, taking forever to decide to take the plunge.
I am scared. I am nervous. A thousand "what if's" want to rack my brain. I want to give in to the questions: "Who am I that I should think I can do this?!" and "Who in the world really cares what I do and have to say?!"
I really am just dirt.
Nothing but clay.
But I am in the hands of my Maker and I have the breath of God in me.
I have a God-given desire to write, to share, to encourage...
I am nothing. But maybe, just maybe, if I offer up what I love to the One I love, He will make something of it. I will give the great Gift-giver my humble offering. Create, Share, and maybe, just maybe, I can encourage as so many others have encouraged me.
Maybe, just maybe, this little housewife's cadence can echo and fill others with hope.
After praying, seeking wisdom, I am compelled to try.
I must try. I must jump.
Fail or succeed, I will put my Faith in the One who made me.
So, thus begins the launch of my facebook page.
The start of MADE MONDAYS that will feature a project or recipe.
The start of THANKFUL THURSDAYS that will have a couple snap shots from the week of something I am thankful for. (More to come on this. In a nut shell, it is a year-long challenge to myself, derived from One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, to capture in photography all the gifts God has given me.)
I hope to have post a week that contains encouragement or thoughts on God and/or life... but I don't ever want to post something just to post something, so there will be no weekly commitment on this... just a goal.
You will never hear from me on Fridays. Those are my sacred days. And weekend postings have seemed pretty pointless to me; don't expect those from me. Also, about every 8 to 10 weeks, I hope to step away for a week. I gotta stay fresh. I gotta spend time with God. I gotta spend time with my kids and husband. I have time-consuming little ones (but as much time as they demand, is it not so fleeting and precious?! I cannot poorly spend this time with them!). They will always come first. I know you understand :)
My goal: by October to have over 500 followers and begin the process of finding sponsors. I love to write. But I could also really use to make some income. :) (Also, I want to do giveaways! Give me something to give away and I will advertise your business for free! wink wink Nothing would make me happier than to make someone's day with free stuff)
Do help me out by following me on facebook and/or with google friends connect. Just click the follow button on the right hand side of the screen and follow the instructions. No one wants to be the first to follow me... least of all if they don't even know me... awkward. I would never follow a blog that has only 8 followers unless it's friend or family. Someone with over a hundred... If i like their blog I might. So, if you are related to me or call me your friend... Do it! Even if you really aren't into reading my blogs... Help a girl with her dream.
If you are an experienced blogger or website design wizard, I will take any offering of wisdom (yes, constructive criticism please!), help, or guest postings.
Thank you so much to those who have been on my dainty-toe-testing-the-blog-water journey. THANK YOU!!! I have been so touched and encouraged by your kind words, your support, your love. Every email, every word, every comment fills me with such hope. It touches me just to know people read what I write... That someone would think I have something worth reading and take the time to read it. It truly humbles me. Maybe, just maybe, I can write. Maybe, just maybe, I can encourage another woman. Maybe, just maybe, I can be a conquering housewife filling others with the cadence of my life's song :)
I cannot conquer without the Faith it takes to try.
So I try.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you!