Retro Office-Classroom Space

We live in a two bedroom home. We chose this place because, well, our budget doesn't allow for us to rent anything larger than two bedrooms at the moment and because this place came with a little 10x9 bonus room. It has no door or closet, but it makes for the perfect office.

Now that we are homeschooling, I have to share my creative space with a classroom. 

So, armed with very little money, this woman set out to make the space a great learning environment and a place where I could retreat in the morning and evenings to pray, read and write.

I sorta love the way it turned out. 

The design plan started when my mom (who runs a thrift store) got a few desks in. I fell in love with the lines of the desk. They were solid wood, sturdy, were designed for two kids, and were completely retro.

I also found a mint paint chip that just seemed happy, energizing, and perfect for a retro classroom.

I used Glidden Minty Green in flat for the bottom of the desk and Glidden White Muslin in flat for the top.

My mom convinced me to try out chalk painting for distressing. I fell in love.

It was easy to make chalk paint. Easy to apply. Easy to distress. And the wax? Well, it is easy to apply too, easy to make your furniture look shabby and aged, and it feels like butter to the touch when you are done. (Are you catching the easy theme?)

We are almost two weeks into school and so far it's done a great job of holding up against crayons and two rough kids. If you like wood working or furniture restoration, I highly recommend looking into chalk painting.

Isn't she pretty?!

I found THESE free alphabet card printables and strung them up with yarn and mini clothespins. 

Addy really wanted to put the painted wooden butterfly, flower and crown in her space. I really didn't want to let her because they just didn't fit with my design scheme. But, you know, Addy is in this space and it needs to feel like home to her too. So I let her. :)

My mom had some of those old kitchen cabinet doors lying around in the thrift store... you know, the standard 90's-track-home oak kind? I turned one into a chalkboard. The frame got the same white and the same treatment as the desk and the inside was painted with actual chalkboard paint.

I thought I would use the board to teach from, but, as it turns out, it is a great way to keep little brother occupied.

My favorite part about using old cabinets (besides the free part)? We used the original hinges as our hardware! EASY! Plus, it seems to fit in with the retro theme. I added two pieces of those picture mounting Command Strips to the back to keep the kids from pulling the bottom of the chalkboard away from the wall and then releasing it to bang against the wall. Kids seem to like to make noise like that.

I used another cabinet door above my desk for a sign as a personal reminder to me.

I love the way it turned out.
It seems to be the phrase God keeps speaking to me... when I want Addy to just get through the school work and just magically understand the concepts... when I am wanting to go places with my writing and the kids need my attention... when the to-do list is long and I want to skip time in my Word and in prayer... when I am "running late" and hurrying and could completely miss the gifts in my day (and teach my kids how to miss them too)...

Walk Slowly.

My daughter asked me about what the sign said. Her response: "Oh. Like we aren't supposed to run in our classroom?"

{And momma grinned.}

I put a few more quotes up that I thought would help me as a homeschooler, a writer and a human in general.

I love this one: "The bravest love is wildly faithful and it falls hard again each morning." -Ann Voskamp

It reminds me to faithfully meet with, pay attention to, and love with my whole big heart my husband, my kids, and my Jesus even when I don't much feel like doing what love requires of me.
I got the free printable from HERE. I ended up changing the colors to suit my color scheme. (I may provide my printable version later... but I feel like I need to ask permission first because I didn't design it, I followed her design and made a few color and font changes.)

I used thrifted frames and chalk-painted them too.
Oh, and see that curtain fabric? MUSTACHE print!!! I didn't think I wanted mustaches in this space (or any space really), but this print just makes me happy, the scale of the print was right for the room, and it seemed retro. My daughter told me that she hates it, but then in the next sentence bursts out laughing,"It's just so silly, Mom. Mustaches are silly!"

I'm taking that as it being successful. Silly. Quirky. Happy. Retro.

And I am still laughing over the fact that I put mustaches in the space.

And sometimes you just need a laugh.

I have a feeling I am going to need to remember this quote from Anne of Green Gables: "Each day starts fresh with no mistakes in it." Marilla says this to Anne after Anne has a "Jonah Day."

I need this reminder often.

I picked this clock up at Hobby Lobby when it was on sale. It just seemed like it was made for my classroom/office.

Most important piece in this space:

Okay. So there you have it... my office, creative space, and homeschool classroom.

I'd love to hear what you think. 
Also, I'd love to hear the quote/scripture you would put in your office and/or classroom to prod you forward. I could use a few more good ones :)

By Grace,

Amanda Conquers