The Testimony I Never Thought I'd Have

About two months ago, a blogger in a group of which I am apart shared her desire to do a "Tour of Testimonies." I don't often sign up to write for another blog, but sometimes you just know that God has given you a story that is meant to be shared. Somehow, each time I share this testimony, it's like rubbing healing balm on my heart that had once felt so broken. I just know I need to share it: for other's to read, but also for my own heart.

I guess that's the thing about sharing our stories: they have the power to heal other's hearts, and our own.

So. Here's your invitation. It's a story that will look super familiar if you've been reading here for the past year, but you're still welcome to join me. (And this blog happens to belong to a sweet person with a heart for God's Word.)

Join me? Click -->HERE<--

By Grace,
Amanda Conquers