An Announcement and a Call to Fight Your Frump (along with me)

When I got pregnant with Addy, I got a terrible bout with morningall day sickness. It took so much energy to just do anything and I felt so horrible that I stopped wearing make-up and started wearing things like sweat pants… in public. And though I am well-recovered from pregnancy (Ha!), I only wear make-up once a week, I only really dress up once a week, and only all of that if I happen to be on stage at church on Sunday. (I used to do all that something like 5 days a week prior to raising children).

We haven’t had much money for new clothes in years, I scrap what I can. I am not a huge fan of much of my clothes.

I rarely go anywhere anymore. I get up and spend time with Jesus and then writing so my getting ready routine is rushed and happens with kids at my feet.

I got really into running and then let it fall off the map in the winter when it was just too cold to want to be outside before the sun. I haven’t really exercised since.

You all hearing the list of excuses?

The other day I had a meltdown, one of those “I am failing at life and I think I am ugly” meltdowns. It wasn’t pretty. Something clicked in me though.

I keep coming across things like Sarah Mae’s Frumps to Pumps, and I think to myself, Yeah, I probably need to work on that. But not right now. I'm too busy. I will work on that later.

Meltdown had. It’s time.

It’s time to Fight My Frump. 

It’s time to not hide behind excuses. It’s time to make myself more of a priority. It’s time to get in the habit of doing the little bit it takes to feel good about oneself.

{I wrote a post that happens to be a favorite of mine a year ago all about the importance of feeling sexy. Yeah, I need to feel sexy.}

I mentioned this on Facebook to find that it seemed to really resonate with some people. And, I thought maybe I'm not the only one? why do it alone? Wouldn’t it be awesome to have some girl-friend accountability? Some cheerleaders?

My pastor’s wife believes it takes 21 days to make anything a habit.

So, for the remainder of the month of August, I am going to work on making getting ready—feeling beautiful!—and exercise a priority. My personal challenge: Put on make-up, do something to my hair (anything), and wear clothes that I like at least 4 days a week. Also, exercise 3 days a week (20-40 minutes of raising the heart rate).

Here’s what I envision:

I am setting up a closed facebook group (closed means everything that happens in the group stays in the group. It’ll never show up on your timeline/wall or in anyone’s newsfeed. No one other than group members can see what you post. I may change the group’s setting to private after the start date so no one can even see who is in the group. I’d start it like this, but then you'd have trouble finding the group and joining it.) I am calling the group “Fight Your Frump.”

See here’s the real vision: How cool would it be to be in a short term group (i.e. just a little commitment for the busy woman) that would have a small number of other women from all different parts of the country? How cool would it be to have a place where you could be real, ask for encouragement and prayer? How cool would it be to have a place where your experience and encouragement is needed too (bring out that inner cheerleader!)?

See, I don’t want this to be the Amanda Show (I think there used to be one of those on Nickelodeon ages ago, ha!) where it’s all about me and what I am doing and sharing. Oh most Holy girl! I am used of the Lord to write things that are holy!... Yeah… NO! I just happen to love to write. And God just happens to keep giving me things to write. And I have this opportunity because I am connecting with you to create a space where YOU can offer up your gifts to encourage other women too. This conquering housewife needs your encouragement just as much as you may need hers. I think we all need each other.

There are only 2 rules that are set in stone:

  1. What happens on the group page, stays on the group page.
  2.  No bashing or discouraging.
I will remove you from the group in 2 seconds flat should either of these things happen.

I do have some other rules, but they aren’t set in stone. They are just things that I think will keep the group moving forward in a good direction… Like guidelines. (So if you have a busy week and are unable to get to the group’s page, hey, we still love ya and we’ll catch ya next week.)
  1. Commit to posting a 2 sentence intro and your goals for the 3 weeks. (We want to know you and how to encourage you!) 
  2. Commit to posting your progress 2 times a week.
  3. Commit to commenting on 2 posts from other people every time you visit. (like 2-3 x’s a week)
  4. Consider our group as you read your Bible, come across things in life and the internet and consider sharing them with us if it would make us laugh or encourage us or challenge us to encourage you.
  5. I may ask some questions every now and again. Do chime in. Also, if you have an engaging question, do offer it up!
I hope that doesn’t sound like a lot of work. My thought is that this group would maybe require 5 minutes at a time a couple times a week. Doable, right?!

So… Want to be apart??

All you have to do is like the Conquering Housewife on Facebookand then use this link to our group’s page. Click the join button and upon my approval you will be added.

We will officially start MONDAY, August 13, 2012, and run through FRIDAY, August 31, 2012. (I know not a full 21 days, but it’s 3 full school/work weeks and I don’t want to take away from anyone’s Labor Day weekend… though the group will still be up should you still want to use it. I will probably have some nice closing thoughts on TUESDAY, September 4, 2012, to wrap up everything but the challenge itself will be over)

Too busy to make the commitment right now? Let me know! And maybe I can do this again another time during the year? Or maybe YOU could facilitate a group?

This group is kind of my guinea pig group to see how this goes. It may end up being just me and my mom (shout out to my supportive momma!) or maybe it’ll be big enough I will be splitting the group and asking one of YOU to facilitate one. This will be a learning process. Please be gracious and willing to provide honestfeedback. I’d sure appreciate it!So excited to see what happens with this!

Seriously looking forward to getting to know some of you better! (and feeling less frumpy too)


P.S. Have questions? Feedback? Don't understand how Facebook groups work? Send me a private message through my facebook page or send me an email: conqueringhousewife(at)the-cadence(dot)com

P.P.S. Fellow blogger, like this idea as much as I do? Prayerfully use it! No need to link back to me or anything. But I would love to hear that this idea is resonating with other people. Would you tell me if you use the idea? Maybe even share how it goes? This idea has been on my heart and I took it as confirmation that it was time when I noticed Lisa-Jo doing something similar at (In)courage. It’s an awesome thing that we bloggers get to do?! Right?!