Thankful Thursday #16

Hello friends!

I am super tired this morning, but my sails feel full of wind. Little-Big God ideas and the ability to move forward in them. An announcement should be forthcoming this afternoon (unless I get to nap... because I will be swooping on that opportunity should it arrive!) or tomorrow morning.

Another announcement should follow sometime in the next week to reveal the series I have been working on. It's almost done. It'll run through the month of September.

Woot Woot! I can't wait :))

My gifts this week in pictures:

#201 Well-used watercolor trays

#202 The way creation points to the Creator

 #203 Boys and Dogs (and oh how I love that boy and that dog too)

#204 Making shadow shapes on the ground and making my sister take pictures of them... just because it's fun and I can.

 #205 Pink polka dot rain boots in the dirt

#206 Boys in shortalls that are too big and that are almost fully unsnapped at the bottom.

#207 For driving in pink sunsets, daughters that beg you to roll down the window, and the feeling of wind through your fingers... and the way it can be worship too.

#208 Sunsets in rearview mirrors.

#209 Sisters that bring you fresh produce... and dads that grow it

#210 The way even something like a spiderweb can be beautiful in the light of the sun.

Friends, have I ever said how much joy I get in the act of slowing down long enough to grab my camera, angle the picture, and just try to hold beauty within the grasp of a lens? Surely I am not a "good" photographer, and I really couldn't care less. (And I am am pretty sure there is a permanent smudge courtesy of Jed on the lens of my relatively inexpensive camera.) This simple thing--taking a picture--it fills me with joy. And there is nothing quite like consciously choosing to look silly by pulling over on the side of the road to snap a picture... it's freeing, especially from the cares of "what people will think?" Do you have something that fills you with joy... something that is easily and surprisingly an act of worship???

The verse that has been speaking to me this week: "In this world there will be struggles. But TAKE HEART! For I have overcome the world." John 16:33. Care to share what's been speaking to you??

Grace and Peace.

P.S. Might I humbly suggest:

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