Five Minute Friday: Grasp

Today I am participating in my first ever Five MinuteFriday. I have been wanting to do it for a while, and decided today was just as good as any to dive in. Five Minute Friday is an exercise to write on a prompt for 5 minutes straight. Just write. No editing. No polishing. Just writing. I link up what I write up with an awesome community (At Liso-Jo Baker’s place) and visit at least the person in line before me. Want to be a part of a cool community? Want to hone your writing craft? JOIN! :)

Today’s prompt: Grasp.


Grasp. Holding hands open and then closed around something—tight. I think of holding my toddler’s hand before we cross the street. I grasp it. Hold it tight. He might try to pull away, all boy and ready to explore. But I am mom, the safety enforcer, and I grasp something so dear and important.

I think of an idea or a concept. I open my mind to try to understand it, and then close around it once I understand it. I grasp it. And if it’s good, I hold it tight. It might try to get away from me, so I ask questions, ponder it, grasp it, run it around in my hands like I did when I got that container of gak as a child. I explore its properties, wonder about it, it tries to leave my fingers, so I involve my other hand in the exploration. 

I think of the way God’s grasp is with me. The way I get all wormy squirmy in the palm of his hands.  I get restless and try to handle—grasp at—my own life and plans and future. But God’s grasp is often loose and gentle and allows me to leave,  sometimes it’s firm and secure and warns me of danger (like I do with my children) it really is where I want to be though my human-gak-like self wants to escape through the fingers of where I am safest—restless. Comfort: God is always grasping for me and my affections. He wants me and to hold me in His grasp. 

He always reaches for me.


Okay. That was HARD and actually more like 10 minutes. But I love what got squeezed out of my brain through my fingertips on the keys. God is always grasping for me and my affections. So grateful for that. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. 
