In the Waiting Room {In which YOU share and you can link up}

Something about my son's expression in this picture seemed to speak of waiting... or tolerating rather. :) Photo by my talented friend, KatieFewellPhotography.

I asked for your stories of Waiting. 

And I got some responses. So today I have the humble honor of sharing someone's story with you. By the way, I won't be sharing my reactions or thoughts on these stories. I want people's stories to speak for themselves.

I feel like I should mention, I just really felt like God put this on my heart to do. There may only be one or two link ups, and only a few waiting stories. I'm okay with that. It's HARD to share your story. And, waiting, yeah, that's really hard too!! And sometimes, we aren't quite ready to share, and that's okay. I truly believe God does something powerful in us when we bring our hurts and disappointments into the Light. So often, without even realizing it, we buy into lies when we keep things to ourselves, like we are the only one going through something like this, or that God loves us less because it feels like He is withholding, or that you will be stuck waiting forever and things will never change. God also does something powerful in other peoples' hearts when we share our story--compassion, faith, hope all rise up in us. It's good all the way around. (So yeah, if you want to share your story, it's not too late. And yes, you can be completely anonymous if you prefer. It doesn't have to be well-written. It doesn't have to be long. It doesn't have to have a happy ending. It can be messy {but do try to not throw anyone under the bus by, say, mentioning them by name} It can be something that happened years ago. Maybe God would ask you--survivor, conqueror of a past waiting room--to encourage someone here in theirs? There is Grace, Hope, Love... all found in the Light.)

Should you want to share your story, send it here: conqueringhousewife{at}the-cadence{dot}com or click here to email me right now.

Now, before I share my friend's story, I have some rules--or more like something to be mindful of. These are someone's personal stories. It's hard being in that place of waiting. Please be sensitive in your comments. I want this to be a safe place and an encouraging place. Also know that when you put yourself out there by telling your story, you want to know that you are okay, that your story was heard. Perhaps leave my friend a simple "thank you for sharing" type response if the story touches you?

{Names and some details have been changed to preserve anonymity. This is shared with permission}

Stacy's Waiting Room:

I'd like to share my story. It's a long one. Please bear with me. Usually when someone asks me to tell them about myself I start with the normal: " Hi, I'm Stacy. I'm married to John for 10 years now. We have 2 girls 9 and 7. We home school, etc.” It doesn't usually come up right away because I don't think of it as descriptive, but I have Cerebral Palsy and I'm wheelchair bound. My childhood was challenging and didn't come to Christ until I was 16. Old enough to have made have been "forgiven much" and "love much". Against all logic and reason, I went to a private Christian University. (I could've gone to a state university for free.) I graduated early with degrees in Counseling and Biblical Studies (with a minor in cross-cultural and urban missions). During my college years and afterward (until I had children), I, along with the man I married, were very active in church and missions work. I was a hospital chaplain and my fiancé/husband and I were youth pastors. Due to my disability and other factors I was told I could not have children. Miraculously and graciously, God gave us our hearts’ desire. 3 months after I got married, I discovered I was already 2 months pregnant with my first daughter. I had to quit my job and everything I was doing at that time so that I'd be able to carry her to term. After my baby was born, it took a long time for me to recover... Only to discover, I was pregnant again. The doctors were stunned. I was scared. My husband was thrilled. Taking care of a small baby while you're in a wheelchair is not impossible, but it is very challenging. Being pregnant made it more so. Our second blessing was born premature, but healthy. Thank God! Unfortunately, pregnancy and time has taken its toll on my body. (During pregnancy I developed severe asthma and breathing problems.) I'm no longer physically able to do even half of what I could do before I had children. I have the best husband EVER!

I love my daughters! Not a day goes by that I don't tell them, "I love you. You are a gift and a blessing in every way. I'm so thankful that I get to be your Mama and that you are my daughter. God has a call and a plan for your lives." I would do it all again in a heartbeat and so would my husband. Ever since I became pregnant, I feel like I've lived in the Waiting Room. Right after college I had been asked to teach at a Bible college overseas. (The day before my flight to was to depart I was told my Restricted Area Permit had been revoked. I had a 10 year visa. I never went.) I trust God, for the most part. I know He knows what He is doing. I know He's given me the heart I have missions. Our family prays everyday with Operation World for various countries and regions. For now I wait. I've learned that waiting can be active. Like a waiter who waits on someone in a restaurant. Or it can be passive. Either way, I'll keep waiting. My chances of ever doing anything "significant" by the world's and even the church's standard are slim to none. That's okay. Even if I never make it out of the waiting room, He is worth waiting for.

 The Link Up:

Link your own stories of waiting here--how you are waiting now, how you have waited in the past, wisdom on waiting you might share, or something specific that starts something like "What I want someone to know who is (insert something that could make you feel like you are waiting like infertility, cancer, leaving a career to be a stay at home mom, taking care of a loved one...)" A past post is fine, but please only waiting topics. {I will remove any innappropriate links.}

1. I only ask that you link back to this site on your post (so we recognize the community). The graphic or a link back to this site is fine.
2. Please leave some encouraging words for 1 other person. I like the warm-fuzzies people give me when they comment and encourage me or just let me know they prayed for me. Let's be that kind of community!! :)
3. And you know, Link to the specific post, not your website.

That's it!

Thank you :)
